Professor of Cultural anthropology, born in 1962 in Shiga, Japan. As a backpacker, he solo visited indigenous people of the Native Mexicans Tepehuán, became a Buddhist monk in Bangladesh, traveled in Turkish Kurdistan , and he joined a trading company after graduating from university. After wandering in Indonesia for one year, he majored in cultural anthropology.He is the main author of, 『Things that anthropologist thought about while living with forest people, who do not need thank you or I am sorry』 (2018, Aki Shobo Publisher), 『”The work of the Spirit” and “The work of man” Disaster interpretation and coping method in the charismatic society of Borneo Island. (2004, Shumpusha publishing),『Lexicon Contemporary Anthropology』(2018, Joined editing of a book with Toshiaki ishikura, Ibunsha), “Edit Cultural Anthoropology”,(2014, Joined editing of a book with Motoki uchibori, Foundation for the Promotion of the Open University of Japan), “Anthropology of Human and Animal” (2012, Joined editing of a book with Mikako Yamaguchi and Shiaki kondo, Shumpusha publishing),” Anthropology of Sex”(2009, joined editing of a book with Wakana Shiino and Yuji Takenoshita)
January 19th (Saturday)
11:20 - 12:50