Mizuki Oka

Web Science Researcher


Associate Professor, University of Tsukuba System Information System.
Spend my high school days at the United World College of the Adriatic (UWCAD) .
Obtained the engineering doctoral degree at Graduate School of Systems and Information Engineering, University of Tsukuba. I am engaged in an internship at Google headquarters (Mountainview, USA) and Microsoft Research Asia (Beijing, China). From 2008 to 2013, I worked as a researcher at the University of Tokyo and led the designing knowledge structuring project called pingpong. After working as an Assistant Professor at the University of Tsukuba, I started the current position from 2015. In July 2016 launched “ ALife Lab. “, with Takashi Ikegami and Ryuta Aoki to promote researches and developments in the field of Artificial Life.


January 18th (Friday)
17:20 - 18:05